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History of the Westport Fair

The Westport Fair was established in 1955, under the leadership of Thomas McGarr (Voc-Ag Instructor) and Harold S. Wood (Principal), along with the support of the Westport High School Committee. The purpose of the fair was to promote agriculture in the town, and to show projects that the vocational students had completed. As time went on, it became the social event of the summer with many people looking forward to its arrival each year.

In 1984, we purchased land on Pine Hill Road that became the new home of the Westport Fair.

In 2000, after nine years of negotiation, the Westport Fair purchased the 50 foot roadway between the fairgrounds and the north parking lot as well as a house lot in the northeast corner of the north parking lot. This additional land combined to make a total of 20 acres and will allow for a modest expansion of the fairgrounds for exhibitors.

The former Central Village Post Office building was moved and placed on a foundation in the fairgrounds.

In 2003, the west fence was extended to create a new space for the carnival.

In 2017, we completed the water tower project with generous donations received in memory of Agnes Potter, a lifelong Westport resident and long time fair committee member known for her amazing potato salad we still prepare for the Saturday Chicken BBQ each year. It is with gratitude this project was undertaken by the help of many, the lettering art work and painting by the late Bob Perry; the art work of cow and calf drawn by Jack Tripp and the painting of the art work by Jack and his father, Steve Tripp. The tower was dedicated in memoriam of Agnes and Alston J. Potter, Jr. Thank you all for making this project a success!

The Fair Committee takes pride in carrying on the traditions and continues to promote agriculture in the town of Westport.

This year marks the 69th annual summer fair. There will be live entertainment, a carnival, craft building, great food, tractor pulls, and much, much more. Check the fair schedule for more details.